Your site should be easy to read.
We choose your text and background colors very carefully. The color of your text must be a great contrast to your background. Dark text on
Your site should be easy to navigate.
All hyperlinks should be clear to your visitors. Graphic images, such as buttons or tabs, should be clearly marked and easy to read. We choose the colors, backgrounds, textures and special effects on your web graphics very carefully. It is more important that your navigational buttons and tabs are easy to read and understand than to have lots of effects.
Your site should be easy to find.
We're looking for your visitors to find you online through example. Google? Web sites are promoted online via search engines, directories, award sites, banner advertising, electronic magazines, and links from other websites. To make any visitors aware that you exist at Inter Network to Conduct SEO (search engine optimization) on your website.
Your web site's design should be consistent.
Like any brochure, newsletter or newspaper, all graphic images and elements, fonts, headers and footers have a "red thread".
Your site should be quick to load.
Studies have shown that visitors will quickly lose interest in your site if your site is not loaded within 15 seconds.